This page provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the process of trademark registration, including how to search for existing trademarks, the steps to create and file a trademark, and the key differences between filing options. It also offers information on where to access the Trademark ID Manual, download registration certificates, and understand the typical timelines involved in trademark registration.
How do you search for existing trademarks?
The United States Patent and Trademark Office maintains a database of existing trademarks. This database can be accessed through the USPTO website or via this link.
What is the process of creating a trademark?
After ensuring the proposed trademark is not currently in use, you can apply to register your trademark. This application is the first step in trademark registration and does not guarantee the registration of the proposed trademark. Trademark applications must be filed electronically through the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). The initial application on TEAS has two options for filing: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. Select the correct option for your trademark and complete the online application.
After applying, a USPTO attorney will examine the application to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. If the application is approved, the trademark will be published in the Trademark Online Gazette, where the public has the opportunity to object. If there are no objections, the application will register if the trademark is based on a use in commerce. If the trademark is based on an intent to use in commerce, you must submit a Statement of Use showing how the trademark works in commerce before it can be registered.
What is the difference between the TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard filing choices?
If the good or service you are trademarking is in the Trademark ID Manual already, then a TEAS Plus application is appropriate. If the good/service is not in the Trademark ID Manual, the TEAS Standard application should be completed.
Can I access the Trademark ID Manual?
Yes, the Manual can be accessed here.
Can I download a copy of my trademark registration certificate?
Yes, the database to do so can be found here.
How long does it take to register a trademark?
Timelines vary based on the filing basis selected in the initial application. Detailed timelines can be found at this link.